1.1 The bench must be placed on the platform level, without distortions, so that the athlete performs the exercise lying with his head towards the audience or at an angle of no more than 45 degrees relative to the front side of the platform, providing a comfortable view of the referees and spectators.

1.2 During the exercise, the athlete must lie on his back, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the surface of the bench. This position maintains throughout the entire movement.

1.3 The athlete’s feet must be in a convenient position in contact with the platform, slabs or blocks placed under the feet. It is allowed to touch the foot with the edge, as well as rising the feet on toes.

1.4 The fingers should wrap around the bar on the racks, with the thumbs “locked” around the bar. This position should be maintained throughout the exercise. Unilateral or reverse grips are prohibited.

1.5 The distance between the hands on the bar, which is measured between the index fingers, should not exceed 81 cm (both index fingers should be inside the 81 cm marks). In the case when the athlete has an old injury or anatomically cannot grab the bar at the same distance with both hands, he must inform the referees in advance about this before each attempt. If necessary, the barbell can be appropriately marked before each approach of the athlete.

1.6 The athlete may use flat slabs or blocks no higher than 20 cm from the surface of the platform. Blocks for placing under the feet (5cm, 10cm, 15cm high) should be provided as standard. Movements of the feet during the exercise are allowed, but the feet should not come off the surface of the platform or blocks (they must be in contact with the surface of the platform or blocks).

1.7 During the bench press, there must be no more than five and at least two spotters (assistants) on the platform. After the athlete independently takes the correct position for the start, he can ask the assistants to help him to lift the bar from the racks. In this case, the bar is fed to straight arms.

1.8 By choice of the athlete, the helper on the platform, or a personal assistant of the competing athlete can act as a spotter. When involving a personal assistant of the athlete, he must come out to the platform in a neat sports uniform that does not hinder movement, which must not have inscriptions and drawings of a provocative or offensive nature. After assisting the athlete, the helper must leave the platform immediately.

1.9 After lifting the bar from the racks (with or without the help of assistants), the athlete must wait for the signal from the head referee with his arms fully straight at the elbows. The athlete’s buttocks and shoulders must be in constant contact with the bench.

1.10 The signal to start the press must be given as soon as the lifter takes a stationary position and the bar is in the correct starting position. If, at the expiration of 5 seconds after removing the barbell from the racks, the athlete has not been able to take the correct starting position, for safety reasons, the referee may ask the athlete to return the barbell to the racks by giving a clear command «Replace» with a simultaneous movement of the hand back. After that the Head referee informs of the reason for not giving the signal to start the exercise. Also, the command «Replace» or «Help» can be given by the Head referee on the platform to prevent injury to the athlete, in case of a major mistake made by the athlete, in which this attempt will not be counted, or if the spotter does not leave the bench and interferes with the good the referee’s view.

1.11 The signal to start the exercise is a downward movement of the hand together with a clear command “Start”.

1.12 After receiving the “Start” command, the athlete must lower the barbell to the chest or abdomen and cease the movement, after which the referee will give a distinct command “Press”.

1.13 After the command «Press», the athlete must lift the bar up to completely straight arms, avoiding significant distortions in the movement of the arms. After fixing the bar in the final stationary position, the Head referee must give a clear command «Rack» with a simultaneous movement of the hand back.

1.14 If an athlete unintentionally begins to lower the barbell before the Head referee’s command “Start”, but does not touch the chest, he may return it to its initial position on extended arms or even bring it back to the rack, and then try again, after the command of the Head referee «Start».

1.15 If anatomically both arms cannot be fully extended, the athlete must provide an appropriate medical report when registering or weighing in. The athlete is also obliged to inform all the referees on the platform before each approach.

2. Reasons why an attempt to perform the bench press does not count:

2.1 Failure to follow the head referee’s signals at the beginning, during performing or at the end of an exercise.

2.2 Any change in starting position during exercise, i.e. any separating shoulders, buttocks from the bench, lift of the legs from the platform or blocks, movement of the hands along the bar. Taking your head off the bench is not a mistake. Minor displacements or slippage of the feet should not be considered a fault.

2.3 Pressing in (downward movement) of the barbell into the chest or abdomen, moving the barbell along the body, after the command «Press» by the Head referee.

2.4 Uneven extension of the arms at the end of the movement, when the elbows are turned on.

2.5 Any downward movement of the bar during the bench press following the command “Press” by the Head referee.

2.6 The bar does not touch the chest or abdomen, or the belt.

2.7 Failure to lift the barbell up on fully extended arms at the end of the exercise.

2.8 Touching the barbell or the athlete by spotters (assistants) between the signals of the Head referee if it is done in order to facilitate the lifting. Minor touches of the racks are permitted.

2.9 Any contact between the lifter’s feet and the bench or its supports.

2.10 Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the description of the rules for performing the bench press.