1.1 The athlete is facing the front of the platform.

1.2 After taking off the barbell from the racks, the athlete steps back and takes the starting position. If squats are performed on «monolift» racks, then you do not need to move away from the racks. Assistants can help the athlete to take the starting position.

1.3 The bar of the barbell should lie horizontally on the shoulders of the athlete, fingers should wrap around the bar. The hands can be on the bar at any distance from each other. The maximum grip width is till the hand touches the inner surface of the bushings of the bar. Hand touching the discs or gripping the bushings is prohibited. An open grip is allowed, in which the thumb wraps around the outside side of the bar.

1.4 The starting position is the position of the athlete in which: the legs are straightened at the knees and the trunk is vertical, with a slight forward bend. The bar is located on the back of the athlete no lower than 3 cm from the rear deltoids.

1.5 Immediately after taking the starting position, the Head referee on the platform gives the command to start the exercise. The signal to start squatting is the downward movement of the hand accompanied by a distinct command «Squat». Prior to receiving the command «Squat», the athlete is allowed to make any movements that do not entail violations of the rules, in order to take the most convenient starting position. For safety reasons, the Head referee may ask the athlete to return the barbell to the racks by giving a clear command «Replace» along with a simultaneous movement of the hand towards himself, if at the expiration of 5 seconds after removing the barbell from the racks the athlete has not been able to take the correct starting position to begin the exercise. Also, the command «Replace» or «Help» can be given by the Head referee on the platform to prevent injury to the athlete or in case of a major mistake has been made by the athlete, in which this attempt will not be counted.

1.6 Upon receiving the signal from the Head referee to start the exercise, the athlete must bend the knees and lower the trunk so that the upper part of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees.

1.7 Only one try of squat is allowed. An attempt is considered used in case the athlete’s knees were bent. During the exercise, the bar is allowed to move from the starting position downward along the back of the athlete (sliding), but not more than the depth (diameter) of the bar.

1.8 The athlete must independently come back to an upright starting position with legs fully extended at the knees. Double rising (jumping) from the lower squat position or any downward movement is prohibited. When the athlete has reached the starting position (absolutely completing the movement), the Head referee must signal to return the barbell to the racks.

1.9 The signal to return the barbell to the racks consists of a backward movement of the hand and a distinct command «Rack». After that, the athlete must step forward and return the bar to the racks. Any movement of the feet after the command «Rack» is not a reason for not counting the lifted weight.

1.10 For safety reasons, the athlete may ask assistants to help him return the barbell to the racks. At that, the bar should remain on the athlete’s shoulders.

1.11 If the athlete unintentionally begins to squat before the Head referee has given the command «Squat», but has not descended to the lower point of the squat, he may come back to the starting position with extended knees or even return the barbell to the rack, and then resume the attempt at the command of the Head referee «Squat» without annulling the attempt.

1.12 During squatting on the platform there must be no more than six and at least three spotters (assistants).

2. Reasons why the weight lifted does not count.

2.1 Failure to follow the head referee’s signals when starting or ending an exercise.

2.2 Double rising (jumping) from the lower squat position or any downward movement while standing up.

2.3 Failure to accept an upright position with legs fully extended at the knees at the beginning or at the end of the exercise.

2.4 Steps backward or forward, although side horizontal movements of the sole and swinging of the feet from toe to heel are permitted.

2.5 Mistake in bending the knees and lowering the trunk to a position where the upper part of the legs surface at the hip joints is lower than the tops of the knees, without crossing the projection of the hip joint, the so-called «parallel» — the line passing through the top of the knee along the surface of the platform.

2.6 Any movement of the bar from the starting position down along the lifter’s back during the exercise more than the depth (diameter) of the bar.

2.7 Touching the barbell or the athlete by spotters (assistants) between the signals of the Head referee to facilitate the squatting.

2.8 Touching the legs with the elbows which supports and helps the athlete. A minor touch is allowed if it’s not helping to lifting the barbell.

2.9 Any throwing or dumping of the barbell onto the platform after completing the squat.

2.10 If the athlete was unable to remove the barbell from the racks within the allotted minute.

2.11 Inadvertent or intentional contact the bar with the rack during performing the attempt. However, unintentional contact that does not help the athlete in any way is not a reason not to count the attempt.

2.12 Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the description of the rules for performing the exercise.